Energy attunements empower you to heal yourself in many ways. An energy attunement opens your personal energy with protection from your higher self, guides, and spirits to receive an energy system that a master/teacher sends to you upon request/payment to align your energies and vibrations with a system that you want to work with.
You can work on yourself, animals, nature, and others. Energy attunements are safe, do no harm, and empower you to take an active step in defining your energy, health, and spiritual being through choosing those energy systems that resonate with you and that you feel will most benefit your being.
What is a Chi ball?
A Chi ball is a sphere of energy that holds the energy/symbols of the attunement you request and is guarded by your personal guides and spirits until you call it in. You may call it in any time once the teacher you have ordered from communicates with you that it is ready. Chi balls can be designed at any time and called in at any time. This is the most popular way to receive an attunement as you can be at home, comfortable, and call it in on your own schedule. A specified time can also be set with the master/teacher to receive the chi ball or attunement.
Get comfortable and plan on quiet/meditative time lasting 20-30 minutes. It is recommended that you take some deep cleansing breaths and try to clear your mind to focus on receiving the energy attunement. Some recommendations include turning down lights, lighting a candle, playing soft music, or anything that helps you to quiet your mind.
Receiving an energy attunement is a process in which a practitioner or teacher channels and transmits specific healing energies to you, helping to align and balance your energy system. Here’s a guide on how to receive an energy attunement:
Set your intention: Before the attunement, clarify your intention for receiving the energy. It could be for healing, personal growth, spiritual development, or any specific goal you have in mind. This helps to focus the energy and intention during the attunement process.
Prepare yourself: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed during the attunement. It can be helpful to create a calm and sacred atmosphere by lighting candles, playing soft music, or using any other rituals or practices that resonate with you. Place your hands wherever it feels right for you.
Relax and center yourself: Take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind. Close your eyes and allow any tension or stress to melt away. You can also use grounding techniques such as visualizing roots connecting you to the earth or taking a few moments to connect with your breath.
Open yourself to receive and say: ” I am now ready to receive the attunement (name/level of attunement)being energetically sent to me by Tara Crowley . I ask that all of my enlightened guides, spirits, and lightworkers protect and bless these energies and that I receive the greatest possible energies possible. I accept this attunement with blessing and gratitude to all involved. “
Be present and observe: As the energies are being transmitted, be present and observe any sensations, feelings, or thoughts that arise. You may feel warmth, tingling, a sense of relaxation, or other subtle shifts in your energy. Trust your experience and allow the energies to flow through you. And, if you don’t experience anything specific, just know that you are receiving the energies to the highest degree.
Take care of yourself: After receiving an energy attunement, it’s important to take care of yourself. Drink plenty of water, rest if needed, and engage in self-care practices that support integration and balance.
Trust the process: Energy attunements work on a subtle level, and their effects may continue to unfold over time. Trust the process and be open to the healing and growth that may come as a result of the attunement.
Remember, energy attunements are a personal experience, and everyone’s experience may vary. It’s essential to listen to your intuition and only receive attunements from practitioners or teachers you trust and resonate with.
Please only call in one attunement per day and work with this energy as often as possible to receive the full benefit. Calling in multiple attunements at one time might result in you not receiving the full benefit.
There is no exact way to create a chi ball-you will have your own unique energy and process to create one. Generally, you will imagine/intend to create a sphere between your hands as you continuously shape or mold an imaginary ball between your hands. Move your hands back and forth and mentally create a ball-you can add color, sounds, symbols, energy, or anything else that you feel should be added.
Calling in a chi ball, also known as creating an energy ball, is a technique used in energy healing and meditation practices. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to call in a chi ball:1. Find a quiet and comfortable space: Choose a peaceful environment where you can focus without distractions. This could be indoors or outdoors, depending on your preference.2. Relax and center yourself: Take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind. Close your eyes and allow any tension or stress to melt away.3. Ground yourself: Visualize roots growing from the soles of your feet, extending deep into the earth. Feel the connection to the earth’s energy, allowing it to flow up through your body. Call in your divine spirit guides or angels/lightworkers to protect the energy as it is placed in the chi ball.4. Activate your energy: Rub your hands together briskly for a few seconds. This stimulates the flow of chi, or life force energy, in your hands.5. Visualize the chi: Imagine a ball of energy forming between your hands. Visualize it as a glowing, vibrant sphere of light. You can imagine it in a specific color that resonates with you or simply as pure white light.6. Intention and focus: Hold your intention in mind for the chi ball. You can intend for it to bring healing, balance, or any other positive energy you desire. Focus your attention on the chi ball, keeping it clear and vivid in your mind’s eye.7. Feel the energy: As you continue focusing on the chi ball, try to feel the energy flowing between your hands. You may sense warmth, tingling, or a magnetic pull. Trust your intuition and allow yourself to connect with the energy.8. Expand and mold the chi ball: Once you have a clear sense of the energy ball, you can begin expanding and shaping it with your intention. You can make it larger or smaller, denser or lighter, depending on your purpose.9. Use the chi ball: Once you have created and shaped the chi ball, you can use it to send energy to yourself or others. You can place it on specific areas of the body for healing or imagine it enveloping someone in need of positive energy.10. Release and ground: When you’re ready to finish, gently release the chi ball by dispersing the energy back into the universe. Take a few deep breaths and visualize any excess energy flowing back down into the earth to be grounded.Remember that calling in a chi ball is a personal practice, and everyone’s experience may vary. With patience and practice, you can develop your ability to work with energy and create chi balls more effectively.Intend that the energy and symbols of the attunement be added to the ball. Seal the chi ball with protective light. You then release and intend the chi ball to be delivered to the spirits, angels, and guides of the recipient who will hold the chi ball in a protective light until it is called in. You can say: “I ask that (person receiving attunement) be attuned to (name of attunement and level if specified). I asked that the energies/symbols in the chi ball be kept clear and pure until the name of the recipient calls it in.” Thank all of the guides, spirits, angels and any others you called in to help. And, so it is…
~ Kahlil Gibran
“I received two Reiki sessions from Tara to address some hip and back pain. She helped alleviate my pain significantly, and I also left the sessions feeling so much more relaxed and with a greater sense of well-being. Tara is a very gifted healer and a remarkably caring person.“
“Healing Reiki from Tara was a surprisingly beneficial and pleasant experience. I was not familiar with reiki but my wife was so after I had a bad cut that turned into a major infection on my leg that was not improving I was receptive to trying Reiki. Tara was great! She was very kind and gentle in performing healing reiki on my leg and I found the experience very relaxing. My leg infection healed and I believe that reiki was what helped my body to fight off the infection. I highly recommend Tara!”
“I have so enjoyed all my Reiki sessions with Tara. Tara is a dedicated professional who knows the healing benefits of Reiki. After each session, I always feel re-energized and rejuvenated!! I highly recommend her for your next Reiki treatment.”